Category: East Asian Library

Wordless Wednesday #62

Wordless Wednesday #62

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

Wordless Wednesday #58

Wordless Wednesday #58

Selected by Adrienne Rusinko

Things That Go Bump in the Vault

Things That Go Bump in the Vault

Princeton University Library’s Special Collections, which hold materials spanning millennia across the globe, have a fair share of demonic depictions lurking on the shelves. One never knows which ghost, goblin, monster, or other feared spectre could possibly come traipsing through the vault’s locked door.

The <em>Pei Wen Yun Fu</em>

The Pei Wen Yun Fu

By Will Noel Many of the treasures of Princeton University Library’s East Asian Library are housed in Special Collections in Firestone Library, and so last year its Director, Martin Heijdra, gave a tour of highlights to Special Collections staff.  Among all the wonderful things that […]