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Wordless Wednesday #22

Wordless Wednesday #22

Selected by Adrienne Rusinko

Robert H. Taylor ’30’s Gifts to the Princeton University Library

Robert H. Taylor ’30’s Gifts to the Princeton University Library

By Will Noel Sandwiched between Sinclair Hamilton (Class of 1906) and William H. Scheide ’36 in the list of chairs of the Friends of Princeton University Library is Robert H. Taylor ’30, who had an extraordinarily long tenure–25 years. More information about him, and digitized […]

Wordless Wednesday #21

Wordless Wednesday #21

Selected by Katie Zondlo

The Marrakesh Treaty and Early Tactile Design for the Blind

The Marrakesh Treaty and Early Tactile Design for the Blind

By Charles Doran The Marrakesh Treaty was adopted on June 27, 2013, in Marrakesh, Morocco, and is administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The core component of the treaty is to align and create exceptions to existing copyright laws of its signatories, which […]

Wordless Wednesday #20

Wordless Wednesday #20

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

Special Collections Showcase September 2023

Special Collections Showcase September 2023

On the second Thursday of the month, five objects from across Special Collections’ vast holdings will be on display in the lobby of Firestone Library for anyone to come and see. Here are the objects featured in September 2023.

Wordless Wednesday #19

Wordless Wednesday #19

Selected by Emma Sarconi

The <em>Pei Wen Yun Fu</em>

The Pei Wen Yun Fu

By Will Noel Many of the treasures of Princeton University Library’s East Asian Library are housed in Special Collections in Firestone Library, and so last year its Director, Martin Heijdra, gave a tour of highlights to Special Collections staff.  Among all the wonderful things that […]

Wordless Wednesday #18

Wordless Wednesday #18

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

Our Favorite Things #2: Zelda Fitzgerald’s Jacket

Our Favorite Things #2: Zelda Fitzgerald’s Jacket

Encountering this jacket, you can’t help but think about Zelda as a flesh and blood person. A person with a *body* who wore jackets — not just a character in someone else’s story; not just a person defined by their brain.