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Wordless Wednesday #8

Wordless Wednesday #8

Selected by Adrienne Rusinko

Junius Spencer Morgan, Virgil, and “The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton”

Junius Spencer Morgan, Virgil, and “The Death of General Mercer at the Battle of Princeton”

By Will Noel Junius Spencer Morgan gave a phenomenal collection of materials to the Princeton University Library, so last year I decided to create a small online exhibition on items from that collection that we have digitized already.  With very many thanks to Steve Ferguson […]

Wordless Wednesday #7

Wordless Wednesday #7

Selected By Charles Doran

A 15th-Century Alphabet

A 15th-Century Alphabet

It’s a funny alphabet. In the first place, it doesn’t begin with an A, but with an illuminated cross: You clearly cross yourself before you begin the alphabet. So then you begin the alphabet, but with a stutter:  you have two consecutive a’s. 

Wordless Wednesday #6

Wordless Wednesday #6

Selected by Emma Sarconi

1960s Homophile Culture and Politics in <i>Drum: Sex in Perspective</i>

1960s Homophile Culture and Politics in Drum: Sex in Perspective

The homophile magazines available within Mudd Library’s American Civil Liberties Union Records and Arthur C. Warner Papers are rich in their insight into the multiple methods of activism taken up by homophile organizations. One such approach, as described in the magazine Drum: Sex in Perspective in 1966, positioned “the homosexual’s chief problem…as an inability and reluctance to hold his head high as a homosexual.”

Max Beerbohm’s Caricature of Aubrey Beardsley

Max Beerbohm’s Caricature of Aubrey Beardsley

Born only three days apart in August 1872, Aubrey Beardsley and Max Beerbohm were introduced to one another by the artist William Rothenstein and soon formed a close friendship. Beardsley was of course the most brilliant, and also provocative, illustrator of the 1890s, famous for his illustrations to Oscar Wilde’s Salome, London’s Yellow Book quarterly, and Aristophanes’ Lysistrata.

Wordless Wednesday #5

Wordless Wednesday #5

Selected by Emma Sarconi

Wordless Wednesday #4

Wordless Wednesday #4

Selected by Emma Sarconi

Inclusive Description and Reparative Action

Inclusive Description and Reparative Action

By Quin DeLaRosa and Kate Mitchell Here, we present an abstract and author reflections from a staff report given on August 18, 2022. Abstract:  Reparative action has become something of increasing concern for archivists in the twenty-first century. With the rejection of neutrality in the […]