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A Standing Bear from the Vault

A Standing Bear from the Vault

Published in 1928, this book is one of the first published about Indigenous people, written by an Indigenous person.  Princeton University Library’s copy is inscribed by the author, with a wonderful drawing of a standing bear.

Wordless Wednesday #43

Wordless Wednesday #43

Selected by Adrienne Rusinko

Wordless Wednesday #42

Wordless Wednesday #42

Selected by Katie Zondlo

Our Favorite Things #5: A 15th Century Book of Hours

Our Favorite Things #5: A 15th Century Book of Hours

I love books of hours in general and find them so beautiful, just knowing how much painstaking work went into creating a manuscript like the kinds we see from the 1400s-1500s–from making the parchment to doing all of the lettering and detail work and copying to binding the book to adding illustrations and gilt; it always results in a truly special and unique object.

Wordless Wednesday #41

Wordless Wednesday #41

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

An Illuminated Book of Psalms

An Illuminated Book of Psalms

Princeton University hosts a wonderful site entitled “Middle Ages For Educators”, which is designed to bring experts and primary sources to those who teach the Middle Ages in schools and colleges.  It has a lot of video resources, and I was asked to make one about ten minutes long.

Wordless Wednesday #40

Wordless Wednesday #40

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

Wordless Wednesday #39

Wordless Wednesday #39

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14

J. Douglas Brown

J. Douglas Brown

When Charissa Jefferson joined Princeton University Library as economics Librarian in 2020, she noticed the portrait of J. Douglas Brown on the walls of the Industrial Relations Section, housed in the Louis A. Simpson Building, and decided to find out more.

Wordless Wednesday #38

Wordless Wednesday #38

Selected by April C. Armstrong *14